12082. When
did Steinitz become world champion?
Bartlomiej Macieja (Lasek, Poland) refers to the
feature articles Early
of ‘World Chess Champion’ and World
Championship Rules and draws attention to a
further text, published a few days before the first
Steinitz v Lasker match began. Page 24
of the New York Times, 11 March 1894 stated:
‘For 26 years the veteran has successfully defended
the championship of the world.’
‘If a man who has held the world’s championship for
26 years accepts a challenge for a match which
promises to him less remuneration than matches he
contested before, he deserves some praise.’
The illustrated article was also published, with due
credit, on page 3 of the Montreal Daily Witness,
13 March 1894.
Nineteenth-century references to the duration of
Steinitz’s tenure are always welcome, regardless of
the view adopted.
‘Tournament champion’
Shortly before the start of the Carlsbad, 1907
tournament, Emanuel Lasker wrote on page 10 of the New
York Evening Post, 7 August 1907:
‘The only notable absentee is Dr Tarrasch, who has
been hailed as “tournament champion” since he won
the “champions’ tournament” at Ostend. What title
will be conferred on the winner of this tournament
[Carlsbad] is rather puzzling at present.
As the list of entries includes all those who
played in the “champions’ tournament”, with the
exception of Dr Tarrasch, and includes Maróczy and
many of the ingenious young players who are coming
to the front, the Carlsbad tournament must be
considered to be of the same class as that of
Ostend, and it seems illogical to award the title of
“champion” to the winner of one tournament and
withhold it from the winner of the other.’
Cohn v Chigorin
Many books have the game between E. Cohn and
Chigorin, Carlsbad, 1907, for which White shared the
second brilliancy prize. Much has been written about
11 f4, a move upon which Emanuel Lasker remarked:
‘Mr Cohn frankly admitted that he did not see that
he would lose a pawn by this move. That it turns out
a “sacrifice”, and not a loss, is more good luck
than good management.’
Lasker gave the game on page 9 of 12 October 1907
edition of the New York Evening Post, and his
comments about the ‘Irregular Opening’ are noteworthy:
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 d6 3 Nc3 Nbd7 4 e4
‘Players like Chigorin undoubtedly dread the usual
routine of the queen’s pawn opening, because of the
difficulty which, as Black, they must experience
before they can hope to attain any kind of attack or
superiority. By some curious process of reasoning
they resort to outlandish manoeuvres, hoping that
something beneficial might turn up, or that
irregularity may help originality. And so this
position arises, where White has freedom and Black
confinement. And this at no cost to White of
material or weakness on the right, left or centre of
the board. Conceding such an advantage, the result
is inevitable against correct play. The queen’s pawn
opening is certainly very strong for White, as
indeed are many other openings. But the philosophy
which induces a player with the black pieces to hope
to win with moves which it is impossible to conceive
are the best available only increases the inherent
difficulties that have to be contended against.’
Is there a reader in Mexico who has access to
archival materials of the country and who would be
prepared to undertake some chess research on behalf of
a C.N. correspondent?
White to move
1 d4 would be met by 1...Qe2, and White therefore
deployed the anti-Turton
motif with 1 Rd2. A correspondent gave this position
(Lucarelli v Carra, Bologna, 1932 or 1933) in C.N.
681, but further particulars (and most notably the
full game-score) have not been traced. The two
surnames can be found in Italian chess literature of
about a century ago (often, in the second case, with
the spelling Carrà), but when was the position, if not
the full game, first seen in print?
Jens Askgaard (Køge, Denmark) writes:
‘The position from the game Lucarelli-Carra
appears on page 109 of Schackkavalkad by
Kurt Richter (Stockholm, 1949), translated from
the original Kurzgeschichten um Schachfiguren
(Berlin, 1947):
The date is given as 1933. Instead of Black
resigning after 1 Rd2 Rxd2 2 d4 Qe2 3 Bc1, the
book says that White won easily thanks to his
strong passed pawn on h6.
I would add that 2...Qe2 is a losing mistake for
Black. Instead, he could have played the
anti-anti-Turton move 2...Rf2, or 2...Bh2, which
my computer suggests as the best move.’
The position was on page 101 of the 1947 original
edition. Had Richter already used it elsewhere?
Ordinal numbers (C.N. 12033)
C.N. 12033 asked when and where the practice arose of
referring to world chess champions with ordinal
From Dmitriy Komendenko (St Petersburg, Russia):
‘In Soviet sources I have found no instances of
Botvinnik being called “the sixth world champion”
during his first term (1948-51), although quite
often he was called “the first Soviet champion”.
The description “sixth world champion” can be
found in articles published in 1951 in advance of
his match against Bronstein, one example being a
summary of the history of the chess matches on
page 5 of the 15 March 1951 edition of the
newspaper Советский спорт:
Frequent use of ordinal numbers seems to have
begun with Smyslov. For instance, in an article on
page 31 of the 16/1957 issue of Огонёк
Flohr wrote, “Smyslov wants to be the seventh
champion of the world in chess history”.
Other examples from 1957 can be quoted, such as
the 19/1957 edition of Огонёк, page 31,
where the writer, again Flohr, called for three
times hurrah to celebrate the new, seventh world
Starting with Tal, the practice became
increasingly common. On page 3 of Советский
спорт, 11 May 1960 an article by Gideon
Ståhlberg, who was the chief arbiter of that
year’s title match, was headed “The eighth world

A production by the Central Studio for
Documentary Film (ЦСДФ) had the same
title with reference to Tal. The tradition
had been established and continued with Petrosian,
Spassky, Fischer, etc.’
Robert Hübner (1948-2025)
The late Robert Hübner’s great strength as a player
and analyst should not cause his legacy as a chess
historian and critic to be overlooked. The C.N. search
window can be used to locate a number of items which
refer to his forensic skills.
12089. The
writings of Robert Hübner
In his ChessBase ‘Two
Talk’ conversation with Arne Kähler on 17
January 2025, Johannes Fischer described Hübner as ‘an
absolutely brilliant writer’ and expressed
astonishment that so little of his output has appeared
in English.
Keres v Alexander
This photograph of Paul Keres and C.H.O’D. Alexander
is reproduced courtesy of the Hulton Archive. It was
taken during Hastings, 1954-55, but the board position
is unrelated to their game in the tournament.
Staunton and Saint-Amant
As cited in C.N. 8134, G.H. Diggle’s review of The
Kings of Chess by William
Hartston noted the inclusion of a cartoon
depicting ‘Staunton’s final victory over Saint-Amant,
with his supporters singing the National Anthem in the
Dominique Thimognier (Fondettes, France) draws
attention to the cartoon’s appearance on page 151 of Les
Cahiers de l’Echiquier Français, issue 49,
September-October 1935:
Our correspondent adds:
‘La Revue Caricaturale published the work
of major French caricaturists, including the
celebrated Honoré Daumier. The chess cartoon, by
Charles Vernier, appeared in the 5 January 1844
edition. It is shown on the Bordeaux website Séléné,
although with a notice which appears incorrect
regarding the place of first publication (not
Bordeaux but Paris).’
Howard L. Dolde
Source: the conclusion of Chernev’s Chess Corner on
page 237 of Chess Review, August 1952.
Such presentation of quotes, lacking any context
(e.g. Capablanca’s age at the time, and whether the
words were written or spoken), was a trait of past
chess writers, even good ones. Today, the absence of a
source leaves any writer open to scepticism.
Capablanca’s remark was discussed on pages 85-86 of
our 1989 monograph, as well as in C.N.s 6172 and 9630.
Below is the full (faint) column in which it first
appeared, on page 8 of the sixth section of the Pittsburgh
Gazette Times, 7 May 1916:

The columnist, who focussed very much on chess
problems, was Howard Louis Dolde (1884-1943).
From page 6 of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 7
September 1943:
We note too that the previous day, page 17 of the
newspaper had referred to a coroner’s report on the
cause of death:
For other information on Dolde, see an article by
Neil Brennen on pages 276-287 of the 8/2002 Quarterly
for Chess History.
Addition on 23 January 2025:
Courtesy of the Cleveland Public Library, below is an
extract from page 82 of the April 1910 American
Chess Bulletin:
The death of T.W. Barnes
John Townsend (Wokingham, England) writes:
‘Thomas Wilson Barnes had the best record of any
of the British players against Morphy in offhand
games. Born in Ireland about 1825 (source: 1871
census), he qualified as a barrister at the Middle
Temple, but was non-practising for a number of
Like Deschapelles, as well as being an
exceptionally strong chessplayer he excelled at
whist. When Barnes led trumps, the game was over,
said an obituary.
The same obituary (“Whist Jottings”, Westminster
Papers, 1 September 1874, pages 99-100) described
in detail the symptoms of his last illness:
“His illness has been a long and painful one.
This time last year he weighed 16 stones; he went
abroad and his strength seemed suddenly to leave
him. With difficulty he got into a cab. He
gradually wasted away, until he became 7 st. 8
lb., and this was the last time he was weighed
(two months since), and he was certainly much less
weight at the last. Physicians were in vain. No
one really knows the cause of his death; some have
suspected a cancer in the stomach, and,
unfortunately, he would not give permission to
have a post mortem, so that the real cause will
remain a matter of surmise. Our impression is that
he died from ‘banting’. From being an enormous
eater he suddenly stopped his food, taking meat
only once a week; and soon, from want of use, his
stomach refused to fulfil its functions. He died
in peace, and desired kind remembrances to all his
friends. To us his last words were whispered,
‘Kind, kind to the last; God bless your wife and
little ones’. He lost his voice ten days before
his death, and for 12 days he ate nothing ...”
“Banting” was a low carbohydrate diet system,
named after its originator, William Banting.
A transcript of Barnes’ death certificate
“When and where died: 20 August 1874, 68
Cambridge Street
Name and surname: Thomas Wilson Barnes
Sex: Male
Age: 49 years
Rank or profession: Barrister at Law
Cause of death: ‘Malignant disease of the Stomach
some months Certified’
Signature, description and residence of informant:
Jane Simpson Present at the Death Madden Rectory
Armagh Ireland
When registered: Twenty second August 1874
Signature of registrar: WP Griffith (?) Registrar”
Source: General Register Office, Deaths, Sept.
quarter 1874, St George
Hanover Square, Vol. 1A, page 225)”
The cause of death, “Malignant disease of the
Stomach some months Certified”, seems, to a
medical layman such as myself, to account for the
symptoms of rapid weight loss which have been
alleged by some to be the result of “banting”.
The Calendar of Wills and Administrations
(Dublin) for the year 1874 contains the following
“Barnes Thomas Wilson
Effects under £5,000
15 October
The will of Thomas Wilson Barnes late of Middle
Temple and 68 Cambridge Street London
Barrister-at-Law deceased who died 13 August 1874
at 68 Cambridge Street was proved at the Principal
Registry by the oaths of Reverend Samuel Simpson
of Derrynoose Rectory County Armagh Clerk and
Alexander Duke Simpson of Belfast Captain 13th
Foot two of the Executors.”
Although there is the above entry in the
calendar, the actual will has not survived, owing
to a fire in Dublin in 1922.
For some reason, the date of death given above
is one week earlier than that contained in the
death certificate.
Barnes was buried in Brompton Cemetery on 25
August 1874. Source: the Royal
Parks website.’
S.S. Boden
John Townsend also provides ‘some random notes on the
life of S.S. Boden’:
‘Samuel Standidge Boden was born on 4 May 1826
at West Retford, Nottinghamshire. Although some
sources, including the Oxford Companion to
Chess, have specified East Retford, the place of
birth is clear in his baptism entry in the
register of the independent chapel at Chapel Gate,
East Retford (source: National Archives, RG 4
/3217, folio 7):
“Samuel Standidge, son of James and Mary Frances
Boden, was born 4th of May 1826 in the parish of
West Retford, and baptized July 27th in the same
year. Jas. Boden.”
The chapel was nonconformist, and the
officiating minister was his father, James Boden,
whose father, in turn, James Boden, was a
well-known Congregationalist minister at Sheffield
and elsewhere.
James Boden junior was baptized on 28 August
1791 at Hanley Tabernacle, Staffordshire, an
independent chapel (National Archives, RG 4/1871).
He preached at Retford for a few years before
moving with his work, and the 1841 census shows
him as an Independent Minister, together with his
family, including the 14-year-old Samuel, at
“Riding Fields”, Beverley (National Archives, HO
107 1229/43, page 44).
Later that year, James Boden senior died. His
will styled him “Reverend James Boden, Minister of
the Gospel, of Sheffield” (National Archives, PROB
11/1953/196). James Boden junior was named as a
legatee, but not the future chessplayer, Samuel,
who was a grandson.
The loss at Chesterfield of Charlotte Boden,
widow of the elder James, followed on quickly in
1843. James Boden junior, father of Samuel, had
lost both parents within two years. During 1843
and 1844, he was mentioned a few times in the
local press in connection with a chapel in
Beverley and with the Mechanics’ Institute. The
last reference I have to his duties as a minister
in Beverley is a document noted in the catalogue
of the archives at Hull History Centre, L
DCFS/6/2/2/59/3: “Resolutions concerning the
employment of Mr Boden at Lairgate Chapel during
the illness of Rev. John Mather”, dated 1843, an
item which I have not examined.
The Hull Advertiser, 24 November 1843,
page 4, carried a news item about the Mechanics’
Institute, Beverley, in which he is recorded as
having proposed a vote of thanks. Similarly, there
is a reference to him in the Hull Advertiser,
8 March 1844, page 3, when he was reported as
having delivered a lecture on magnetism to the
Beverley and East Riding Mechanics’ Institute, of
which he was one of the vice-presidents.
Thereafter, I have no more information about James
Boden until his death in 1851.
His wife, Mary Frances Boden, moved to Hull, her
native town, with or without her husband. Rev.
William Wayte, writing in the BCM
(February 1882, page 56), affirmed Samuel Boden’s
association with Hull:
“Before he came to London, Mr Boden was known as
the strongest player of the Hull Chess Club”;
Some chess writers erroneously gave Hull as
Boden’s birthplace.
An obituary of Samuel Boden in the Chess
Player’s Chronicle (18 January 1882, page 31)
notes that he started life as a railway clerk and
it later makes the following observation:
“On coming into some property, through the death
of a relative, he devoted himself to art. This
necessarily left him but little time for chess and
its practice.”
The Westminster Papers (1 September
1876, page 89) states:
“About 27 years ago there came to London from
Hull a young gentleman, then 25 years of age,
whose immediate destiny was a desk in the offices
of the South Eastern Railway at Nine Elms.”
There seems to be an inconsistency in this last
remark, since Nine Elms was in the South Western
Railway Company. A document noted in the catalogue
of the National Archives, RAIL 411/665, offers the
possibility of some information concerning Boden’s
railway career among records of the staff of Nine
Elms. The document has not yet been examined.
Later in the Westminster Papers article,
it is asserted that “the death of a distant
relative some years ago” enabled him to
“relinquish railway accounting”.
The known sources of his inheritances through
the deaths of relatives were twofold. Firstly, his
maternal grandfather, John Thornton, a gentleman,
died in Hull in 1845, leaving a will which was
written on 20 August 1844, a codicil being added
on 29 July 1845, with probate granted on 28 August
1845 (National Archives, PROB 11/2027/205). The
dwelling house at the time of the testator’s
decease was given to his daughter (Boden’s mother)
during her life:
“ ... upon trust to permit my said daughter Mary
Frances Boden to have the use and enjoyment
thereof during her life exclusively of her present
or any future husband and without being in any
manner subject to his debts control interference
and in all respects as if she was a feme sole
and after her decease I direct the same to sink
into and be considered as part of my residuary
personal estate and to be applied and disposed of
accordingly ...”
She received a lifetime interest in other
properties. The will mentions property in Hull,
including in Albion Street and Storey Street. S.S.
Boden was not one of the biggest winners from this
will, but he stood to benefit in the long term
through his mother, whom, in the event, he
outlived by only three years. In addition, a trust
fund was set up for the benefit of his mother and
her children, and, more specifically, he was given
a lump sum of £400 at the age of 21:
“... upon trust to pay thereout to each of the
sons of my said daughter Mary Frances Boden
(including the said John Thornton Boden and Edward
Boden) who may have attained the age of 21 years
or as and when they shall respectively attain that
age the sum of four hundred pounds ...”
The date of Boden’s coming of age was 4 May
1847, but it is open to question whether he gave
up his alleged job as a railway employee shortly
after coming of age.
The second known inheritance came not from “a
distant relative”, but from his father. The
following facts are taken from his death
certificate (General Register Office, Deaths,
December quarter 1851, Shoreditch, Vol. 2, page
327). James Boden died on 8 December 1851 at 11
Albert Place, Shepherdess Walk, Hoxton New Town
(Middlesex); male, 62 years, gentleman; cause of
death: “Typhoid Fever Peritonitis Pleuritis
Pneumonia Gangrine, 24 Days Certified”; informant
George Booth, present at the death, of the same
address; registered 10 December 1851.
George Booth was already living at 11 Albert
Place on 31 March 1851, the day of the 1851
census, where he was described as a watch
finisher; aged 37 and born in the City of London,
he lived there with his wife, Louisa, and two
children (National Archives, HO 107/1535, page
number illegible). The nature of his relationship
with the deceased, James Boden, is unknown.
James Boden was buried at the church of St John
the Baptist, Hoxton, on 11 December, the
officiating minister, by whom the ceremony was
performed, being his own son, Edward Boden, of
Huddersfield. The 1851 census finds Edward Boden
in Huddersfield, described as born at Retford,
aged 28, “B.A. Camb. Vice-Principal” of the
Collegiate School there (National Archives, HO
107/2295, page 41). A minor discrepancy between
the age of 61 in the burial register and of 62 on
the death certificate is of no consequence.
The Huddersfield Chronicle (20 December
1851, page 8) reported that “on Thursday morning
last” at the distribution of prizes at the
Collegiate School “the Rev. Mr Boden was
unavoidably absent, having been called to Ripon by
the bishop to take priests’ orders”. It seems a
little odd that the report made no mention of his
having presided at his father’s burial, or,
indeed, of the death of a minister who was
formerly a widely-known figure in Yorkshire church
circles. When James Boden senior had died, there
had been an insertion in Gentleman’s Magazine,
as there had been for his widow, Charlotte Boden.
James Boden died without a valid will, and,
accordingly, letters of administration were
granted in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to
Samuel S. Boden, of Thavie’s Inn (source: Indexes
to death duty registers, National Archives,
IR27/60, folio 14). The assets of an intestate are
divided between the closest relatives according to
set rules; in this instance, one would expect the
widow to receive the lion’s share, with smaller
portions going to the several children. For those
requiring full details of the assets thus
inherited by Boden the chessplayer, inspection of
the appropriate death duty register in IR 26 at
the National Archives at Kew should satisfy their
curiosity; the letters of administration will be
found in PROB 6.
Boden’s residence for a number of years,
Thavie’s Inn, situated at Holborn, was originally
used exclusively by lawyers, but by this time was
available as accommodation for anyone willing to
pay the going price. In fact, S.S. Boden is to be
found there at the time of the 1851 census
(National Archives, HO 107/1527, page 36). He
lived in a boarding house run by Anne Cocker, a
53-year-old single woman, born at Hathersage,
Derbyshire. Through an error in enumeration,
Boden’s name has been recorded as “Samuel S. Bax”,
but other details make it obvious that it should
read “Samuel S. Boden”: he is described as a
boarder, unmarried, aged 24, a gentleman, born at
Retford, Notts.; above all, corroboration is
provided by the “Thavie’s Inn” which appears in
the indexes to death duty registers (see above);
moreover, Boden was associated with Thavie’s Inn
during Morphy’s time in England, viz.:
“We have the pleasure this month of completing
the publication of the series of games contested
in 1858 between Mr Morphy and Mr Boden. The
following game, hitherto unpublished, was played
between these eminent masters, at Mr Boden’s
Chambers, in Thavie’s Inn, on the evening of 9
July 1858. The Rev. S.W. Earnshaw, to whom we are
indebted for it, was present on the occasion, and
recorded the moves.”
(Source: the Westminster Papers, 1 April
1876, page 241.)
Spare a thought for Boden’s father. What
happened to him? He became detached from his wife
and the rest of his family, and his death in 1851
was hushed up, suggesting that his family was not
proud of him. Since he died in Hoxton, my first
thought was that he may have spent some time in
the lunatic asylum at Hoxton, but I have so far
found no evidence of that. He may have had a
change of career, a marital break-up, moved to
another area, become an insolvent debtor, or
become ill in some other way. Various
possibilities remain open.
G.A. MacDonnell quotes Boden as recalling when
he first met Bird at the Divan in the Strand, in The
Knights and Kings of Chess, (London, 1894), page
44. That implies that Boden had himself started to
visit there by 1846.
In 1847 Hull hosted the anniversary of the
Yorkshire Chess Association (Chess Player’s
Chronicle, 1847, pages 159-164). In fact, two
Bodens attended: “Mr Boden, from Settle”,
presumably, John Thornton Boden, elder brother of
S.S. Boden, and “Boden”, by inference a Hull
member, who is taken to be S.S. Boden himself. He
won a game there from Harrwitz, who was playing
blindfold and simultaneously, which earned him
this favourable comment from Staunton:
“ ... Mr Boden, one of the most promising players
of the Northern clubs.”
Boden took a number of years to come to his best
as a player, his peak arriving in 1858. In 1851,
he won the London “Provincial” tournament. He beat
Rev. John Owen convincingly in a match in 1858,
but his match play successes were otherwise
limited. His reputation seems to have exceeded his
actual achievements. Morphy’s description of him
in 1858 as the strongest English player can be
valid only if one excludes Löwenthal on the
grounds that he was not naturalized until 1866,
and Staunton, because he had retired, since it
could be argued that both were stronger than Boden
in 1858.
By the time of the 1861 census, he had moved to
57 Pratt Street in the parish of St Pancras
(National Archives, RG 9/116, page 64). Here he
was a bachelor and lodger and described as an
“artist (landscape)”. Also living in St Pancras at
that time was the Irish master Francis Burden, who
for a time lodged with Cecil De Vere’s mother. The
two of them are both associated with having given
the young De Vere instruction in chess, but it is
not known that Boden ever lodged with Mrs De Vere,
and he probably coached De Vere at the Divan.
His later years were occupied primarily by art.
His whereabouts on the 1871 and 1881 censuses
remain to be discovered. He died on 13 January
1882, at 3 Tavistock Street, Bedford Square,
Middlesex, described as “artist (painter)”, his
age entered (incorrectly) as 56 (General Register
Office, Deaths, March quarter 1882, St Giles
district, volume 1B, page 453). His name was
entered incorrectly as “Samuel Standridge Boden”,
instead of Standidge. The cause of death was
“Enteric Fever 20 days Pneumonia 4 days Certified
by Charles Elam F.R.C.P.”, the informant being
Joseph Wurgler, present at the death, of 3
Tavistock Street. In the 1881 census, Joseph
Wurgler was a Swiss-born lodging house keeper,
living at that same address with his wife and
daughter (National Archives, RG 11 325, page 15),
so he is taken to have been Boden’s landlord.
According to the National Probate Calendar,
Boden’s personal estate amounted to £2,628 2s.,
probate of his will being granted on 14 April to
the executors, his brother Reverend Edward Boden
and the chessplayer Thomas Hewitt, a solicitor.’
A bishop ending
From pages 51-52 of the January-February 1907 Wiener
The position was picked up by the BCM
(November 1907, page 489) ...
... and, with great enthusiasm, by Emanuel Lasker in
his New York Evening Post column, 18 December
1907, page 6:
12096. The
Monrad system
Carl Fredrik Johansson (Stockholm) enquires about the
origins of the Monrad pairing system, and we offer
some initial jottings.
An article by K.D. Monrad entitled ‘Et nyt
Turneringssystem’ (A New Tournament System) was
published on pages 40-41 of the April 1925 issue of
the Danish magazine Skakbladet, with a
follow-up article by him on page 81 of the July 1925
edition. There was extensive discussion of the system
in Norsk Schakblad, beginning on pages 130-132
of the September 1925 number (contributions by Erling
Wold and O. Trygve Dalseg) and continuing in December
1925, pages 180-181 (Erling Wold) and January-February
1926, page 13 (O. Trygve Dalseg).
All the above material can be conveniently viewed
online: see Skakbladet
and Norsk
About K.D. Monrad, further information will follow,
with readers’ assistance. For the time being, we note
a reference on page 102 of the 6/1981 Skakbladet:
A worthy opponent
From Norsk Schakblad, March 1925, page 37:
Cleveland Public Library
For other examples of this technique, see C.N.s 3221,
3224 and 6040 in Chess
Lasker on the Ruy López
Firstly, the text of C.N. 3058 (given on pages
325-326 of Chess Facts and Fables):
‘If you have Black, and your opponent plays 3
Bb5, your best move is to offer him a draw.’
This remark by Emanuel Lasker appeared in the Boston
Transcript of 31 January 1903, an item quoted
on page 130 of the March 1903 Checkmate. The
Boston newspaper commented:
‘And although this was a bit of pleasantry, Dr
Lasker did say in all seriousness that where the
second player in almost any other opening might
hope for a win, it was good judgment in the Ruy to
hope for a draw. The suggestion that the chess
world was waiting for some man who should begin an
exhaustive analysis of the Ruy early enough in
life to complete it, he dismissed with a
deprecatory shrug. “I’m afraid he would have to
continue it in the hereafter”, he said.’
We have wanted to verify the Checkmate
passage in the Boston newspaper and to add the page
number, but so far only a similar, not identical, text
has been found, on page 1 of the Boston Evening
Transcript, 2 February 1903:
Simultaneous displays by Lasker
By way of introduction to the now familiar
simultaneous game F.W. Dunn v Emanuel Lasker, London,
21 January 1908, which began 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4
Nf6 4 Ng5 d5 5 exd5 Nd4, Lasker’s column on page 7 of
the New York Evening Post, 28 March 1908
‘Simultaneous chess, which has now become so
popular, both here and in Europe, is capable of
furnishing entertainments and instruction to the
amateur chessplayer. But in order to make it so, it
is necessary that the single performer – usually a
master – should consider the interests of his
opponents, and instead of measuring his success by
the high score he can make, he should endeavor to
play all sorts of combinations, calculated to
exercise the ingenuity of his spectators. One should
not try to play perfect chess on such occasions,
for, to begin with, under the condition of play, one
cannot succeed in doing so and, on the other hand,
by introducing novelties that may lead to lively,
though perhaps unsound, attacks, one not only avoids
unduly prolonging the performance but also presents
to the spectators many interesting and exciting
positions. This sort of simultaneous chess also
appeals to the opposing players, who usually prefer
being defeated in a fair fight rather than being
gradually and dismally ground down by the proverbial
pawn plus.
Dr Lasker’s popularity as a simultaneous performer
is largely due to his following this method of
procedure. Always endeavoring to make his
exhibitions both entertaining and instructive, he
rarely follows the orthodox lines of play, but by
varying at some point endeavors to create
interesting situations that shall throw his
opponents [sic] on his own resources, and
enable him to exercise his ingenuity in finding the
best reply.’
A comprehensive
chronicle of his simultaneous displays from 1893
to 1940 is provided on the Emanuel
Lasker Online website.
12100. The
three shortest ever chess book reviews
Wallace, Liverpool and Rubinstein

Any chess-related information about William Herbert
Wallace (1878-1933) and the Wallace
Case is of interest, and here we show a number
of local newspaper cuttings from the time when he was
a member of the Central Chess Club in Liverpool.
From the Liverpool Post & Mercury, 27
February 1930, page 14:
Five years previously, Akiba
Rubinstein had visited the city for a series of
chess engagements. As marked in red below, two of the
newspaper reports, on 27 February and 6 March,
included the name Wallace:
Evening Express
(Liverpool), 20 February 1925, page 6
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 25 February 1925, page 10
Liverpool Echo,
25 February 1925, page 7
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 26 February 1925, page 11
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 27 February 1925, page 13
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 28 February 1925, page 9
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 28 February 1925, page 11
Liverpool Post
& Mercury, 6 March 1925, page 10.
Duchamp and Le Lionnais
From Oliver Beck (Seattle, WA, USA):
‘I have come across an article written by
Raymond Keene entitled “Chips with a pinch of
salt: Duchamp and Le Lionnais” which appeared
online in The Article (thearticle.com), dated 7
December 2024. It contains material taken from
C.N. 9465 with no mention of you or Chess Notes.
However, Mr Keene did credit me with at least some
of it, describing me as “the late Oliver Beck of
From page 2 of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 10
March 1930:
C.N. 3212 quoted William Hartston’s exact words about
A History of Chess, on page 189 of The
Kings of Chess (London, 1985):
‘The classic book on the subject; 900 pages of
meticulous research, practically unreadable.’
The Real Paul Morphy (C.N. 12018)

From John Townsend (Wokingham, England):
‘Pages 268-272 of psychotherapist Charles
Hertan’s recent book The Real Paul Morphy:
His Life and Chess Games (Alkmaar, 2024) contain
material about the Staunton-Morphy controversy.
For those needing a reminder, the controversy can
be seen as comprising the following phases in
1. Morphy arrives in England and challenges
Staunton to a match. The latter, who has retired
from match play, accepts, but points out that he
is under contract to produce an edition of
Shakespeare’s works, and he needs time to brush
up on his game.
2. Relations between the two belligerents
deteriorate through unfriendly exchanges in the
press and elsewhere.
3. At length, Staunton withdraws from the
negotiations. Relations continue to be bad and
never really improve.
I did not notice new information about the
controversy in this part of the book, or signs of
fresh research on the topic. Much of the content
in those pages is concerned with the quoting of
contemporary reports and documents which have
appeared in print before. For good measure, the
author treats us to some colourful remarks of his
own which reveal a one-sided stance in favour of
Treatment of the Staunton-Morphy controversy in
Chess Notes, going back to the 1980s, has included
contributions from, among others, Louis Blair,
G.H. Diggle, Frank Skoff and Kenneth Whyld, and
the quartet of feature articles below includes
many lively exchanges:
and Staunton
Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge
‘A Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge’
to Fiske.
The C.N. discussions have been conducted in an
editorially impartial and even-handed manner, but
it seems that even-handedness was not part of Mr
Hertan’s objectives. He refers to Morphy sometimes
as “Paul”, while the supposed villain of the piece
has to make do with “Staunton”.
The following anti-Staunton language and
sentiment is to be found:
Page 268:
“Paul understandably doubted Staunton’s
“... sucker punches received from Staunton in
the press ...”
“... Morphy shared his concern that Staunton
would try to evade the match, and pin the blame
on Paul ...”
Page 270:
“... but Staunton being Staunton, he couldn’t
resist taking more cheap shots at Morphy in his
column ...”
“... his shoddy treatment of the American ...”
Page 271:
“These actions were certainly petty and
ungracious on Staunton’s part”
“... the bitchy sniping of a humiliated
champion ...”
“... potshots at Morphy ...”
“... rattled by Staunton’s antics ...”
“... his unseemly behavior ...”
Page 272:
“... Staunton’s catty, distasteful behavior
“But Staunton’s defenders never threw in the
Page 273:
“Howard Staunton had a deeply flawed
This last remark is perhaps the most damning of
these criticisms and is stated with the same
certainty as if Mr Hertan had had Staunton on the
psychiatrist’s (or psychotherapist’s) couch in his
consulting-room. It almost reaches the level of
conviction of Dale Brandreth, whom you quoted in Attacks
on Howard Staunton:
“… the fact is that the British have always had
their ‘thing’ about Morphy. They just can’t seem
to accept that Staunton was an unmitigated bastard
in his treatment of Morphy because he knew damned
well he could never have made any decent showing
against him in a match.”
Reference is made by Mr Hertan to the old
criticism that Staunton unfairly accused Morphy of
not having the stakes for the match. The latter
was hurt by the comments. Staunton had had
difficulties in the past with would-be match
opponents who could not readily muster the stakes,
an example being Daniel Harrwitz. He did not
invent the problem of Morphy’s stakes. In his book
Paul Morphy The Pride and Sorrow of Chess
(New York, 1976) David Lawson devotes a chapter to
the subject of Staunton and the stakes, which
reveals that Morphy’s family, the intended source
of the stakes, strongly disapproved of a match for
money. It is only too clear from Charles Maurian’s
letter of 27 July 1858 to D.W. Fiske that the
family’s attitude most certainly was a problem
which seriously threatened the match. Morphy had
kept from Maurian the extent of this disapproval
and the extraordinary lengths the family was
prepared to go to, which Maurian now revealed:
“... they were ready to send some responsible
agent to London whose duty it would be to let Mr
Morphy know that he must either decline playing or
continuing the match or that he will be brought
home by force if necessary; that they were
determined to prevent a money match by all means.”
(Lawson, pages 120-121)
Hinc illae lacrimae. Clearly, this ruled out
the family as the supplier of the stakes. It left
poor Maurian close to his wits’ end. Fortunately,
he acted promptly and, in a change of plan,
secured the £500 from another source, the New
Orleans Chess Club. He wrote again on 29 July 1858
with news that the amount had been raised. There
had been real uncertainty until Maurian’s decisive
action. Who can tell the exact time of arrival of
the funds? Neither are we likely ever to know how
much intelligence, if any, about Morphy’s family
difficulties reached Staunton’s ears. At the times
when he grumbled about Morphy’s lack of stakes, it
is likely that the money was yet to appear or, at
least, as far as he was aware. Staunton deserves
the benefit of the doubt here. His remarks are
likely to have been in response to a real
difficulty over stakes rather than a smear which
he had falsely concocted to discredit his young
adversary. Morphy’s family’s disapproval strongly
indicates that there was indeed a real problem
over the stakes.
Edge wanted the chess world to believe that it
was Staunton who asked for the stakes to be
reduced from £1,000 to £500, but it is much more
likely that any such request came from Morphy, in
the light of the family circumstances alluded to
above. Given a choice, Morphy would certainly have
preferred no stakes at all (“... reputation is
the only incentive I recognize”).
Another issue was Staunton’s contract with
Routledge to produce an edition of Shakespeare,
sometimes cited by his critics as an excuse for
not playing a match. One might have hoped that the
late Chris Ravilious had put this matter to bed
for good by his article in CHESS (December
1998, pages 32-33), in which he showed not only
that such a contract existed but also that it
contained specific penalty clauses for failure to
deliver parts of the work on time. Later, the
contract appeared in print in Tim Harding’s book,
Eminent Victorian Chess Players (Jefferson,
2012), on pages 338-339.
Our understanding of the character of the
degenerate F.M. Edge, Morphy’s associate, has
taken giant steps forwards in recent years, so it
is disappointing that such material has not been
drawn upon by Mr Hertan. Edge certainly
contributed to the breakdown of negotiations for a
match. Good relations between Morphy and Staunton
were needed if the former wanted a match, but Edge
pulled in the opposite direction.
As events turned out, if there was ever going to
be a meeting of these two famous masters, it
needed to be at the Birmingham tournament.
Unfortunately, while Staunton played in this
event, and did badly, Morphy went to some lengths
to avoid such an encounter, even giving a phoney
excuse for his non-attendance. (See my
contribution in A
Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge.)
Staunton’s participation at Birmingham answers the
frequent criticism, also raised by Mr Hertan, that
he was afraid to meet Morphy: whether or not he
was matched against Morphy in Birmingham, he must
have known that it was likely he would lose there,
and he was not afraid of that; in the event, he
was beaten by Löwenthal.
The chief problem with Mr Hertan’s coverage of
the Staunton-Morphy affair is that virtually all
of it could have been written 50 years ago.
It may be a small slip on page 273 to give Frank
Skoff the wrong USCF title (he had been President,
not Director), but how could Mr Hertan offer, on
the same page, such an obviously incorrect
conclusion about the exchanges between Skoff and
Whyld? As I have observed elsewhere,
Whyld emerged from the debate severely battered.
Mr Hertan ends that paragraph by writing one
thing which is true: that there are “hundreds of
pages” of C.N. material on Staunton, Morphy and
Edge. The problem is that he shows no signs of
having read them.’
Abraham v Janine
From page 301 of 1000 Checkmate Combinations
by Victor Henkin (London, 2011):
Acknowledgement for
the scan: Cleveland Public Library
Mokrý (Prostějov, Czech Republic) points out the
following from pages 420-421 of the earlier Russian
edition, 1000 matovykh kombinatsiy (Moscow,
For Black, named as Джанни, one would expect to see
Dzhanni or Gianni, but what is known about either
player of the 1923 game, and about the occasion?
The position was also on page 358 of Tal's
Winning Chess Combinations by Mikhail Tal and
Victor Khenkin/Henkin (New York, 1979), labelled
Abraham v Gianni (1923).
Praeceptor Germaniae
Javier Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain) asks:
‘Is it known when and by whom Siegbert Tarrasch
was given the title “Praeceptor Germaniae”?’
The following appears in Tarrasch’s Foreword to the
second edition of his Dreihundert Schachpartien
(Leipzig, 1909), page vii:
‘In den Münchener Neuesten Nachrichten
hat Herr v. Parish zu meinem Erstaunen erklärt,
daß ich längst den Ehrennamen “Praeceptor
Germaniae” trage.’
We note the following on page
13 of the 10 December 1905 edition of the Munich
‘Der Deutsche Schachbund hat das
Tarraschbüchlein allen seinen Mitgliedern zum
Geschenk gemacht und dadurch dokumentiert, daß es
zu dem eisernen Bestande jedes Schachfreundes
gehören sollte. Auch wir können nur wünschen, daß
durch eine möglichst weite Verbreitung und durch
ein ernstes Studium dieses Werkes die Vertiefung
des Schachs in ähnlicher Weise gefördert werde,
wie es durch des gleichen Autors „300 Partien“
geschehen, die ihm in der ganzen deutschen
Schachwelt den Ehrentitel eintrugen: praeceptor
Germaniae! v. P.’
Kostić v Caruso
As shown in our feature article on Boris
Kostić, C.N. 6951 reproduced a supposed loss to
Enrico Caruso, given by A. Soltis on pages 93-94 of Chess
to Enjoy (New York, 1978), with no place or date
or source stipulated. B. Pandolfini put ‘1918’ on page
106 of Treasure Chess (New York, 2007),
whereas some databases and page 55 of CHESS,
September 2004 had ‘New York, 1923’, even though
Caruso died in 1921.
Now we add that on page 18 of the November-December
1996 issue of Chess Horizons (acknowledgement:
Cleveland Public Library) Josef Vatnikov gave the
game, stating, without evidence, that it was ‘played
in New York in 1914’.
After just five words Vatnikov deployed ‘once’:
‘The great singer Enrico Caruso once said: “My
favorite opening, playing Black, was the Philidor’s
Defense.” In due time the famous Italian tenor
played a lot of games with the Yugoslav grandmaster
Bora Kostic, who was his chess trainer. “Caruso
liked chess very much”, said Kostich, “I appreciated
his chess ability. He could be on the offensive
perfectly. Probably, many chess masters would envy
his brilliant combinations.”’
There is no indication as to where any of this came
Chess and music
From page 7 of the Sunday Sun (Newcastle), 12
February 1922:
The picture is a crude version of a photograph
Gallica mentioned in C.N. 9277.
Many newspapers reported in 1922 that Reshevsky and
Joseph Schwarz intended to give each other lessons.
The level of reportage is exemplified by page 3 of the
Buffalo Evening Times, 6 January 1922:
Further to the role-playing exercises in C.N.s 11994,
12035 and 12060, readers are now invited to imagine
themselves investigating supposed measures to ban
chess in the Middle Ages, including, for example,
oft-told stories about Bishop Guy of Paris having a
chess board which was disguised by being folded.
Finding nothing in H.J.R. Murray’s books and
articles, the investigator may try a search engine,
the dubious reward being a plethora of similarly
worded paragraphs such as this:
‘In 1125, Bishop Guy of Paris banned chess and
excommunicated a few priests who were caught playing
chess. A chess enthusiast priest then devised a
secretive folding chess board. Once folded, it
looked like two books lying together.’
That is merely a sourceless item on a sourceless Bill
Wall webpage. Instead, Google
Books may seem promising since it offers
relevant (though not perfectly matching) texts, such
as the following:
That passage is on page 348 of the 6 May 1865 issue
of All the Year Round, ‘a weekly journal
conducted by Charles Dickens’. With C.N. 12043
(‘figurehead romanticism’) in mind, no excited
suggestion can be made that the article, entitled
‘Chess Chat’ and published on pages 345-349, was by
Dickens himself. All the Year Round articles
were usually anonymous. But who did write it, and on
what historical basis?
With such questions unresolved, one’s eye may well be
drawn to the last two paragraphs of the article, which
abruptly move on from chess history to some general
criticism of the game:
‘To play well at chess – “Cavendish” opines – is
too hard work. It is making a toil of a pleasure. We
resort to games as a relief, when we have already
experienced enough – perhaps more than enough –
brain excitement. Under those circumstances, we do
not desire severe mental exertion, but rather repose
of mind, which is not promoted by engaging in a
contest of pure skill. To take up chess, as an
amusement, after mental labour, is to jump out of
the frying-pan into the fire. Chess, well played, is
no relaxation, and ought not to be regarded as a
game at all. It is not a game with first-rate
performers, but the business of their lives. Chess
is their real work; ordinary engagements are their
relief. Sarah Battle “unbent” over a book.
But for what is all this intellectual
tension, this toil and trouble, this stretch of
thought? Simply to fill an otherwise unoccupied
portion of human life. “Labour for labour’s sake”,
says Locke, “is against nature. The understanding,
which, as well as the other faculties, chooses
always the shortest way to its end, would presently
obtain the knowledge it is about, and then set upon
some new inquiry.” But chess affords no information,
leads to no purpose, effects no result, leaves no
trace. It is a beautiful piece of mechanism,
conducing to nothing. When the number of known
combinations, problems, and solutions, shall have
been increased a hundred-fold, the world will not be
a jot the happier, the wiser, the better, or the
richer. Those who like thus to occupy their leisure,
have a perfect right so to do. If their striving and
straining do no good, at least it does no harm. But
it is difficult not to say to one’s self that the
total amount of effort bestowed on chess, say only
within the last hundred years, might have sufficed
to gird the world with trans-oceanic telegraphs, or
to work out the means of aërial locomotion.’
And so now there are two puzzles on the go: the
origin of the religious claims and the authorship of
the criticism of chess. For both matters, further
burrows beckon, and C.N. readers’ company and
assistance will, as ever, be appreciated.
The Chess Wheel
C.N. 472 (see Chess
Jottings) included the following comments by
Dale Brandreth in a catalogue:
‘The Chess Wheel, V. Armen, English Opening.
Similar to the circular slide rule. 65 variations.
More a novelty than anything else. Rather humorous
in that the author has boldly printed on the device
that “patent pending for all chess openings and
defenses on the wheel system”. What sublime
effrontery and ignorance. Did he invent all these
lines? No, of course not. Yet he has the gall to try
to patent them. The chess world does not lack its
buffoons either.’
Paul Calhoun (West Hartford, CT, USA) writes that the
criticism is unfair, and he has sent us a PDF
file which presents The Chess Wheel and
includes commendations.
Notation mentions cases where the algebraic is
less effective than the descriptive, e.g. the use of
‘Q-KKt6’ to record a queen sacrifice motif which in
algebraic is either ‘Qg6’ or ‘Qg3’.
Another case is the remark attributed to Bent Larsen
to the effect that with a knight on KB1 a player who
has castled on the king’s side is safe from a mating
attack. What exactly did Larsen say or write?
Concerning Street
with Chess Connections, the report below comes
from page 6C of El Nuevo Herald, 12 August
The third paragraph of the article:
‘José Raúl Capablanca fue honrado por el Condado
de Miami Dade, que anunció ayer en conferencia de
prensa celebrada en el Cooper Park, que la calle
16 entre las avenidas 57 y 62 del S.W. llevará el
nombre del ilustre jugador.’