List of Chess Notes Feature Articles

Edward Winter

Biographical (prominent masters)


Alexander Alekhine Miscellanea
An Alleged Alekhine v Capablanca Position
Articles about Alexander Alekhine
When Was Alekhine Born?
Réti v Alekhine, Baden-Baden, 1925
Alekhine and Alcohol
Interviews with Alekhine
Euwe and Alekhine on their 1937 Match
An Alekhine Miniature
An Alekhine Blindfold Game
Confusion over Alekhine v Najdorf
Alekhine on Munich, 1941
Two Alekhine Interviews (1941)
Capablanca v Alekhine, 1927
A Fake Chess Photograph
Alekhine Renaissance
Alekhine’s Death
Seven Alekhine Articles
Was Alekhine a Nazi?
Alekhine on Carlsbad, 1929
Books about Capablanca and Alekhine
The Games of Alekhine
Chess Games with Five Queens
Alekhine’s Gun


Articles about Adolf Anderssen
The Immortal Game (Anderssen v Kieseritzky)
Anderssen v Dufresne: The Evergreen Game
An Anderssen Loss?
Anderssen v Zukertort
Rosanes v Anderssen, Breslau, 1863


Yuri Averbakh (1922-2022)


Pal Benko (1928-2019)
A Letter from Bobby Fischer to Pal Benko

O. Bernstein

Ossip Bernstein


Joseph Henry Blackburne
Zukertort v Blackburne, London, 1883


Efim Bogoljubow
FIDE Championship (1928)
Analytical Disaccord


Breyer and the Last Throes


Mikhail Botvinnik (1911-95)


David Bronstein (1924-2006)


José Raúl Capablanca Miscellanea
Capablanca’s Education in the United States
An Alleged Alekhine v Capablanca Position
The Capablanca v Price/Baca-Arús Mystery
Articles about José Raúl Capablanca
Capablanca on London, 1922
London, 1922
Capablanca v Thomas, Hastings, 1919
Kevitz v Capablanca, New York, 1931
Capablanca’s Simultaneous Displays
Harry Golombek’s Book on Capablanca
Capablanca v Kalantarov
Capablanca in London, 1913
Capablanca v Steiner (Living Chess)
Photographs of Capablanca
A Pawn Ending Mystery
Capablanca v Fine: A Missed Win
Capablanca’s Death
Morrison v Capablanca, London, 1922
Capablanca Book Destroyed
Capablanca in New York World (1925)
Steinitz Stuck and Capa Caught
The Capablanca-Pokorny Fiasco
Capablanca’s Reply to Lasker
Capablanca Interviewed in 1939
A Lecture by Capablanca (1932)
Capablanca on San Sebastián, 1912
Capablanca on Maróczy
Capablanca on Moscow, 1925
Capablanca in the English Review
Capablanca: How I Learned to Play Chess
Reminiscences by Capablanca
Capablanca on his Predecessors
Capablanca v Alekhine, 1927
A Fake Chess Photograph
The Genius and the Princess
Capablanca v Fonaroff
How Capablanca Became World Champion
Books about Capablanca and Alekhine
Analytical Disaccord
Capablanca Goes Algebraic
The Writing of a Book on Capablanca

M. Chigorin

Mikhail Chigorin

J. Corzo

Immortal but Unknown

De Vere

Cecil Valentine De Vere


Max Euwe (1901-81)
Euwe and Alekhine on their 1937 Match
FIDE Championship (1928)


Borochow v Fine, Pasadena, 1932
Chess and Psychology
Reuben Fine, Chess and Psychology
Capablanca v Fine: A Missed Win


Bobby Fischer Miscellanea
Fischer v Czerniak, Netanya, 1968
Articles about Bobby Fischer
The Byrne v Fischer ‘Game of the Century’
Spassky v Fischer, Reykjavik, 1972
Brad Darrach and the Dark Side of Bobby Fischer
My 61 Memorable Games (Bobby Fischer)
Fischer v Gligorić Training Match (1992)
A Letter from Bobby Fischer to Pal Benko
Fischer’s Views on Chess Masters
A Fischer Interview
Fischer’s Chess Column in Boys’ Life
Books about Fischer and Kasparov
Instant Fischer
Fischer’s Fury


Salo Flohr (1908-83)


Svetozar Gligorić (1923-2012)
Fischer v Gligorić Training Match (1992)


Harry Golombek (1911-95)
Harry Golombek’s Book on Capablanca




Gioacchino Greco


Isidor Gunsberg


Daniel Harrwitz (1821-84)


William Hartston
The Kings of Chess


Jaffe and his Primer


Lasker v Janowsky, Paris, 1909
The Consultation Game That Never Was
Janowsky Jottings


Klaus Junge (1924-45)


Articles about Anatoly Karpov
Anatoly Karpov
Karpov’s Writings
Books about Korchnoi and Karpov
Kasparov, Karpov and the Scotch
The Termination
Karpov’s Chess is My Life


Garry Kasparov Miscellanea
Articles about Garry Kasparov
Garry Kasparov and New Chronology
Reflections on Garry Kasparov
Kasparov v Miles, Basle, 1986
Kasparov Interviews
The Garry Kaspartov Scam
Kasparov’s How Life Imitates Chess
Kasparov, Karpov and the Scotch
Kasparov and his Predecessors
Books about Fischer and Kasparov
Kasparov’s Child of Change
The Termination


Paul Keres (1916-75)
The World Chess Championship by Paul Keres
Books about Keres and Tal

Sultan Khan

Sultan Khan


Victor Korchnoi (1931-2016)
Books about Korchnoi and Karpov


Bent Larsen (1935-2010)

Ed. Lasker

Edward Lasker

Em. Lasker

Articles about Emanuel Lasker
Emanuel Lasker Miscellanea
The Lasker v Schlechter Controversy (1910)
A Series of Books on Lasker
Lasker on the 1921 World Championship Match
Lasker v Janowsky, Paris, 1909
Steinitz, Lasker, Potter and ‘Modern Chess’
Dr Lasker’s Chess History
The Consultation Game That Never Was
Capablanca’s Reply to Lasker
A Bishop Ending


James A. Leonard


Andor Lilienthal (1911-2010)


S. Lipschütz – Samuel, Simon or Solomon?


Géza Maróczy
Capablanca on Maróczy


Frank James Marshall
The Marshall Gambit
Marshall’s ‘Gold Coins’ Game
Chess Cunning, Gamesmanship and Skulduggery (swindles)


James Mason


Alexander McDonnell


Henrique Mecking


The Vera Menchik Club


A Mieses-Schottländer Chess Story
Jacques Mieses


Tony Miles (1955-2001)
Kasparov v Miles, Basle, 1986


Paul Morphy
The Staunton-Morphy Controversy
Supplement to ‘A Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge’
A Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge
Paulsen v Morphy, New York, 1857
Paul Morphy and Chess Politics
The Pride and Sorrow of Chess
Why ‘Morphy’s Defence’?
Morphy v the Duke and Count
Edge Letters to Fiske
Edge, Morphy and Staunton


The Mortimer v Rosenthal Match
James Mortimer: Chessplayer and Playwright


Miguel Najdorf (1910-97)
Najdorf against the French Defence
Confusion over Alekhine v Najdorf
The Polish Immortal


Aron Nimzowitsch
Articles about Aron Nimzowitsch
The Nimzowitsch Defence (1 e4 Nc6)
Nimzowitsch’s My System
Nimzowitsch v Alapin
Nimzowitsch the ‘Crown Prince’
A Nimzowitsch Story


John Nunn


Petrosian’s Games


François-André Danican Philidor
Philidor: ‘Pawns are the soul of chess’


Harry Nelson Pillsbury
Pillsbury’s Torment


A Chess Idealist


Arturo Pomar (1931-2016)


The Chess Prodigy Samuel Reshevsky
Testing Reshevsky


Richard Réti
Another Chess Book by Richard Réti
Réti v Alekhine, Baden-Baden, 1925
Réti v Tartakower, Vienna, 1910
The Réti Brothers


A Forgotten Showman


Akiba Rubinstein Miscellanea
Akiba Rubinstein’s Later Years
The Rubinstein Trap


Carl Schlechter
The Lasker v Schlechter Controversy (1910)
Fleissig v Schlechter, Vienna, 1893


Yasser Seirawan


Nigel Short


Jackson Whipps Showalter


Vassily Smyslov (1921-2010)


Spassky v Fischer, Reykjavik, 1972
Boris Spassky


Rudolf Spielmann


Howard Staunton
The Staunton-Morphy Controversy
Supplement to ‘A Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge’
A Debate on Staunton, Morphy and Edge
Pictures of Howard Staunton
Attacks on Howard Staunton
Edge Letters to Fiske
Edge, Morphy and Staunton
Falkbeer, Staunton and Löwenthal


Wilhelm Steinitz Miscellanea
Articles about Wilhelm Steinitz
Grimshaw v Steinitz
Steinitz, Lasker, Potter and ‘Modern Chess’
Steinitz v von Bardeleben
Steinitz versus God
Steinitz Stuck and Capa Caught
Steinitz Quotes


Mikhail Tal (1936-92)
Mikhail Tal in London (1964)
Books about Keres and Tal


Siegbert Tarrasch


Savielly Tartakower
Réti v Tartakower, Vienna, 1910


Richard Teichmann


Sir George Thomas

C. Torre

Carlos Torre
Adams v Torre – A Sham?


Milan Vidmar


Elijah Williams


William Winter


The Death of F.D. Yates


Eugène Znosko-Borovsky


The 23 Ng5 Affair (Skipworth v Zukertort)
J.H. Zukertort’s Alleged Accomplishments
Zukertort v Blackburne, London, 1883
Anderssen v Zukertort

Biographical (other players and writers)

Charles Henry Stanley
Three Chessplayers Named Neumann
The Chess Writer P. Wenman
The Chess Historian R.N. Coles
The Portuguese Chessplayer Francisco Lupi
Jeremy Silman (1954-2023)
A Chess Polymath, Josef Krejcik
Hugh Myers (1930-2008)
Gordon Crown
John Cochrane
Brian Eley
Norman Tweed Whitaker
Two Indian Chess Figures (Madgavkar and Krishnamachariar)
The Chessplayer J. Cukierman
The Chessplayer Verdoni
Joaquim Valladão Monteiro
George H. Derrickson
Marcel Duchamp and Chess
Newell Williams Banks
Convict, Vagabond and Chessplayer
Chess: Jacqueline and Gregor Piatigorsky
An Obscure Chess Master (Gromer)
Ernst Ludwig Klein
Anthony E. Santasiere
The Australian Nimzowitsch (Crowl)
Franklin Knowles Young
Daniel Starbuck (1856-84)
A Great Chess Figure (Bernstein)
Pachman, Bohatirchuk and Politics
Léonardus Nardus
The Fox Enigma
The Saburovs
Who Was R.J. Buckley?
A Chessplaying Astronomer (Antoniadi)
Daniel Willard Fiske
The Chess Writer W.H. Cozens
Fred Reinfeld 1910-64
Reinfeld’s Non-Chess Books
G.H. Diggle, the Chess Badmaster
Timothy D. Harding (Chess Writer and Historian)
C.J.S. Purdy
Leonard Barden
David Hooper (1915-98)
Irving Chernev
The Chess Tinsleys
The Chess Historian H.J.R. Murray
Disappeared (Mitchell)
Jeremy Gaige

Blindfold Chess

Blindfold Chess
‘The Immortal Blindfold Game’
A Blindfold Chess Master (Enevoldsen)
An Alekhine Blindfold Game
Tony Miles (1955-2001)

Book Reviews

Reviewing Chess Books
Book Notes

Broadcasting and Entertainment

Chess Broadcasts on the Internet
Alistair Cooke and Chess
Clive James and Chess
Jacob Bronowski and Chess
Stephen Fry and Chess
Chess and The Prisoner
Chess and Radio
Chess and Hollywood
Chess and Television
CHESS The Musical
Chess, Literature, and Film


Castling in Chess

Chess Variants

Chess Variants and Rule Changes


Chess and Computers
A Chess Database


An Indian Copying Mystery
Chess: the Need for Sources


Chess and Draughts/Checkers
Newell Williams Banks


A Chess Fortress
Chess Draws
A Stalemate Manoeuvre
Chess: Stalemate by Self-Blockade
Repetition of Position or Moves in Chess
Chess: the 50-move Rule


The Vančura Position in Chess Rook Endings
A Pawn Ending Mystery
Queen Endings
The So-called Fahrni-Alapin Pawn Ending
‘All Rook Endgames are Drawn’
The Lucena Position
Capablanca v Kalantarov

Fiction and Poetry

Chess in Fiction
Chess and Poetry
Rupert Brooke and Chess
Chess and Sherlock Holmes
Lord Dunsany and Chess

FIDE (International Chess Federation)

Articles about the International Chess Federation (FIDE)
FIDE Presidential Campaigns
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Aliens
Ricardo Calvo: Persona non Grata
Chess: The History of FIDE
FIDE: The Prehistory
The 1986 FIDE Presidential Election
Comic Relief
FIDE Championship (1928)
The Termination

Film (of chess masters and events)

Chess Masters on Film


Duplication of Chess Games
Borochow v Fine, Pasadena, 1932
Instructive Chess Games
Miniature Chess Games
Unknown Games
The Best Chess Games
The Byrne v Fischer ‘Game of the Century’
Paulsen v Morphy, New York, 1857
Taubenhaus v Vázquez, Havana, 1894-95
The Immortal Game (Anderssen v Kieseritzky)
Capablanca v Thomas, Hastings, 1919
Zukertort v Blackburne, London, 1883
Anderssen v Dufresne: The Evergreen Game
Fleissig v Schlechter, Vienna, 1893
Ortueta v Sanz
Kevitz v Capablanca, New York, 1931
Réti v Alekhine, Baden-Baden, 1925
A Chess Gamelet
Incomplete Games of Chess
Schuster v Carls
An Anderssen Loss?
A Brilliancy by Hermann Helms
Anderssen v Zukertort
The Gibaud v Lazard Gamelet
An Alekhine Miniature
Macdonald v Burn, Liverpool, 1910
An Alekhine Blindfold Game
Capablanca v Steiner (Living Chess)
Rosanes v Anderssen, Breslau, 1863
Najdorf against the French Defence
Nimzowitsch v Alapin
Grimshaw v Steinitz
Capablanca v Fine: A Missed Win
Réti v Tartakower, Vienna, 1910
Wade v Bennett
Morphy v the Duke and Count
Chaos in a Miniature
Marshall’s ‘Gold Coins’ Game
Adams v Torre – A Sham?
Capablanca v Fonaroff
Analytical Disaccord
Chess Games with Five Queens

Grandmaster Titles and Ratings

Chess Grandmasters
Chess Ratings


Alleged Games by Einstein and Stalin
The Garry Kaspartov Scam
A Chess-Billiards Concoction
The Alekhine v Nenarokov Hoax
The Capablanca-Pokorny Fiasco
A Chess Hoax
A Fake Chess Photograph


Chess Cartoons and Caricatures
From Former Times (Chess)
Dan Leno and Chess
How to Write about Chess
Chess Cartoons by Tom Webster
Comic Relief
Chess Corn Corner

Inferior Writing

Reliability Eroded (Kenneth Whyld)
The Ultimate Chess Playing Guide
The Chesswriting Practices of Christian Hesse
Chess and How to Play It
Andrew Soltis
Bruce Pandolfini
The Chess Chamber of Horrors
Gaffes by Chess Publishers and Authors
Unintelligible Chess Writing
Hype in Chess
Chess: the Need for Sources
Chess Myths
Instant Chess
Larousse du jeu d’échecs
Cuttings (Facts about Raymond Keene)
A Question of Credibility
Capablanca Book Destroyed
Warriors of the Mind
A Unique Chess Writer (Bjelica)
The Guinness World Records Slump
Worst-ever Chess Book?
Jaffe and his Primer
A Sorry Case (Eric Schiller)
A Publishing Scandal (Coles)
Historical Havoc
A Catastrophic Encyclopedia (Divinsky)
World Champion Combinations
Over and Out
The Facts about Larry Evans

Legal Issues

Chess in the Courts
Copyright on Chess Games

Literary Figures

Voltaire and Chess
Thomas Hood and Chess
Peter Mark Roget and Chess
Agatha Christie and Chess
Clive James and Chess
Stefan Zweig and Chess
Edgar Allan Poe and Chess
Charles Dickens and Chess
John Ruskin and Chess
Ely Culbertson and Chess
Rupert Brooke and Chess
Alfred Kreymborg and Chess
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Chess
Leo Tolstoy and Chess
Lord Dunsany and Chess
William Shakespeare and Chess
Arthur Koestler and Chess


Chess and Insanity
Marmaduke Wyvill and the Wyvill Formation
San Sebastián, 1911
Chess: The Last Mistake But One
Chess Scoring and Pairing Systems
McFarland Chess Books
Chess and Golf
The Anti-Turton Theme in Chess
Chess Prizes
Chess Predictions
Inscribed Chess Books
Street Names with Chess Connections
Chess Book Sales
From Former Times (Chess)
The Chess Masters of To-day by Leopold Hoffer
Chess and Woodshifting
‘The Mozart of Chess’
A Fictitious Chess Book
Chess and Postage Stamps
Secret Chess Contests
Chess and Tobacco
How Many Moves Ahead?
Missed Mates
Chess Cunning, Gamesmanship and Skulduggery
Chess Score-Sheets
Chess and Ghosts
Chess and Sleep
Crowds at Chess Events
Chess and the Code-Breakers
The Peak Age for a Chessplayer
Chess Seconds
Chess and Baseball
Announced Mates
Pet Moves in Chess
Retirement from Chess
The Homes of Chess Masters
Chess and Alcohol
Chess and Poverty
Excuses for Losing at Chess
Chess Pen-portraits
Chess in Advertisements
Chess and Hypnosis
Chess and Christmas
The Value of the Chess Pieces
Luck in Chess
Chess History Research On-Line
A Chess Divan in the Strand
Chess: The Greatest
Chess Autographs
The Cambridge v Bedlam Chess Story
Bribery in the Chess World
Chess Anecdotes
Chess Jottings
Graves of Chess Masters
London, 1899 Pen-portraits
Memory Feats of Chess Masters
Chess and British Royalty
Chess and Untimely Death Notices
The Horowitz-Wellmuth Affair
Chess and Bridge
Chess with Violence
Chess in 1924
Chess and Jews
Chess and Women
Chess Records
The Very Best Chess Books
Chess Awards
Where Did They Live?
The Very Best Chess Books (Readers’ Choices)


The Back-Rank Mate
Check and Checkmate
En passant (Chess)
Underpromotion in Chess
The Knight Challenge


Chess and Murder
Chess and the Wallace Murder Case
Chessplayer Shot Dead in Hastings


Сергей Прокофьев и шахматы
CHESS The Musical
Sergei Prokofiev and Chess
François-André Danican Philidor
Chess and Music


The Colonel Moreau Chess Mystery
Chess Reincarnation
The Lasker v Schlechter Controversy (1910)
How Many People Play Chess?
The Gibaud v Lazard Gamelet
Ortueta v Sanz
The Frank Hollings Conundrum
The Riddle of Swiderski’s Suicide
The Horowitz-Wellmuth Affair
The Caissa-Morphy Puzzle
The Mysterious Frederick D. Rosebault
Adams v Torre – A Sham?
A Chess Whodunit
Mysteries at Sabadell, 1945


Chess Notation
Chess Punctuation


The Sicilian Defence
The King’s Gambit
The Meran Variation of the Queen’s Gambit
Unusual Chess Openings
The Paris Opening (1 Nh3)
Lisitsin’s Gambit
The Portuguese Opening
Wing Gambits in Chess
Chess Openings
The Chess Moves 1 b4 and 1...b5
The English Opening
The Chess Fianchetto
The Danvers Opening (1 e4 e5 2 Qh5)
The Nimzowitsch Defence (1 e4 Nc6)
The Chess Opening 1 h4
The Evans Gambit
Indian Openings in Chess
The Trompowsky Opening
6 h4 in the French Defence
The Budapest Defence
The Berlin Defence (Ruy López)
The ‘Magnus Smith Trap’
Hypermodern Chess
The Caro-Kann Defence
Alekhine’s Defence
The Marshall Gambit
Professor Isaac Rice and the Rice Gambit
Old Opening Assessments
Kasparov, Karpov and the Scotch
‘The Swiss Gambit’

Origins of chess

The Origins of Chess


Chess and Paintings
Marcel Duchamp and Chess
Chess Silhouettes
Chess Statues and Sculpture
Chess Cartoons by Tom Webster
Léonardus Nardus


Chessplayers and Animals
Chess Photographs in the Daily Mirror
Chess Pictures in The Sphere
Chess: Mistaken Identity
A 1928 Chess Photograph
Chess History: Photograph Collections
Photographs of Nottingham, 1936
Chess Photograph and Signatures
Amsterdam, 1954: A Chess Photograph
New York, 1915: A Chess Photograph
Chess: the Need for Sources
A Fake Chess Photograph

Politics and Politicians

Chess and Politics (The Bordell Case)
Hans Frank and Chess
Fidel Castro and Chess
Patriotism, Nationalism, Jingoism and Racism in Chess
Paul Morphy and Chess Politics
Pachman, Bohatirchuk and Politics
Andrew Bonar Law and Chess
Chess and the House of Commons
A Chessplaying Statesman (Simon)
Napoleon Bonaparte and Chess


A Chess Mess
The 23 Ng5 Affair (Skipworth v Zukertort)
Nine Chess Positions
Critical Moments in Chess
Capablanca v Kalantarov
Morrison v Capablanca, London, 1922


Letters and Numbers in Chess Problems
The Novotny and Plachutta Themes in Chess Play
A Chess Washout
Arthur Ford Mackenzie (1861-1905)
The Chess Problemist Horatio Bolton
The Immortal Chess Problem
Chess Problems
Steinitz Stuck and Capa Caught
‘Genius’ (Williams)
Chess Problems by H.F.L. Meyer


Articles about Chess Prodigies
The Chess Prodigy Elaine Saunders
Nineteenth-century Chess Prodigies
George H. Derrickson
The Chess Prodigy Samuel Reshevsky
Arturo Pomar (1931-2016)
Testing Reshevsky
Chess: Prodigies, Philosophy and Mathematics
The Chess Prodigy Rodrigo Flores
Who Was Birdie Reeve?
Master Roberts
Capablanca: How I Learned to Play Chess
James A. Leonard
Chess Prodigies
Searching for Bobby Fischer (Josh Waitzkin)


Chess and Psychology
Testing Reshevsky
Reuben Fine, Chess and Psychology


Chess Puzzles
The Chess-loving Puzzle-master (Phillips)
William Hartston


For Pondering
Chess: ‘When You See a Good Move ...’
Muddled Chess Epigrams
Chess Thoughts
Pre-Chess Chess Quotes
Philidor: ‘Pawns are the soul of chess’
The Soul of Chess
Chess Proverbs
Advice on Playing Chess
‘Life’s too short for chess’
Chess Morganisms
The Chess Wit and Wisdom of W.E. Napier
The Most Famous Chess Quotations
Steinitz Quotes


Resignation in Chess

Rules and Laws

Castling in Chess
Chess: the 50-move Rule
The Laws of Chess (1912)
The Laws of Chess (1931)
World Chess Championship Rules
Chess Variants and Rule Changes

Russian Translations of Feature Articles

Сергей Прокофьев и шахматы
Гений и княгиня

Simultaneous Exhibitions

Large Simultaneous Displays
Capablanca’s Simultaneous Displays


A Stalemate Manoeuvre
Chess: Stalemate by Self-Blockade
Chess Draws


Chess: the Need for Sources


The Chess Study Composer V.A. Korolkov

Tactical and Strategical Play

Anastasia’s Mate
The Mysterious Rook Move in Chess
Chess Tempo/Tempi
The Double Bishop Sacrifice
The Chess Hedgehog
Chess: Winning a Won Game
The Chess Pin
Queen Sacrifices
The Poisoned Pawn in Chess
Underpromotion in Chess
The Single Bishop Mate
Chess Planning
Hanging Pawns in Chess
A Knight on K5, K6 or Q6
Chess Strategy and Tactics
The Chess Skewer
Boden’s Mate
The Spite Check in Chess
The Smothered Mate
What is a Chess Combination?
Long Calculation
The Chess Seesaw
Royal Walkabouts
The Knight Challenge

Time and Speed

Chess and Time
Fast Chess

Vocabulary and language

En prise (Chess Term)
Chess and the English Language
Early Uses of ‘World Chess Champion’
Unusual Chess Words
Earliest Occurrences of Chess Terms
Chessy Words
International Language (Chess and Esperanto)

War, and Nazi Germany

A Purported Picture of Hitler and Lenin Playing Chess
Chess and War
Chess Camouflage Publications
Chess: Hitler and Nazi Germany
The 1936 Munich Chess Olympiad
Hans Frank and Chess
Was Alekhine a Nazi?
War Crimes

World Championship

The World Chess Championship
Euwe and Alekhine on their 1937 Match
Lasker on the 1921 World Championship Match
The World Chess Championship by Paul Keres
World Chess Championship Rules
The London Rules
Capablanca’s Reply to Lasker
Early Uses of ‘World Chess Champion’
Capablanca v Alekhine, 1927
How Capablanca Became World Champion
World Championship Disorder


Chess Annotations
Chess and Ghostwriting
Chess Punctuation
Advice for Chess Journalists
Chess as Front-Page News
Chess: the Need for Sources
How to Write about Chess
Chess Journalism and Ethics
Books about Leading Modern Chessplayers


See also:

Lasker Speaks Out (1926) by Richard Forster

Coup or Call of Duty? Commotion at the 1939 FIDE Chess Congress by Richard Forster

FIDE Chess Congress 1939: An Investigation by Richard Forster

Latest update: 19 October 2024.

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Copyright: Edward Winter. All rights reserved.